Doodle · Mixed media

A Dash of Doodles – 7

Hello! Here’s a set of large, Zentangle-inspired doodles that I made recently –

I used gel pens for these as usual, and oil-pencils for shading. I’ve lately been picking pens that are not writing so well, so I get the most out of them before they dry up. The pinkish doodles are actually in hot pink / fluorescent pink, which looks great in real life, but unfortunately turns out super-light when scanned. I usually go crazy with the contrast of the image to get this pink to show well, but this time, I tried not to fiddle with the image too much–just enough to actually see it.

There are doodles that I make to relax or have fun; and then there are those that I resort to when I don’t want to be idle but not really in the mood to do much, and doodling seems like the lowest-effort creative outlet for me so I just go for it. The former ones start out stilted / hesitant but then begin to flow well, and I love looking at them even after a while; it’s the equivalent of knitting tension loosening when one gets into it and relaxes. The other kind of doodles, not so much. Thankfully, these are few and far between.

I notice I never pick my black fineliner for doodling. I should probably try it out sometime. Meanwhile, hope you enjoy these doodles!

10 thoughts on “A Dash of Doodles – 7

    1. Thank you, Cynthia! These are definitely therapeutic. I also like that I use colored gel pens–makes my doodle book so much fun to go through later!


  1. Hi Anita, hope you are enjoying some Spring weather finally. I’m in awe of the pink backgrounds as my arthritic fingers can no longer draw straight confident lines consistently. Each of your zendoodles is fabulous. Happy St. Paddy’s and Spring Equinox, xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Aimeslee! The background actually provides less of a meditative effect for me since I subconsciously expect it to be mostly consistent, and it usually doesn’t. Whenever it does turn out consistent, I can’t deny that it looks good. I still like drawing the foreground shapes better, though! đŸ™‚

      Spring is already giving way to summer here! đŸ™‚ Happy St. Paddy’s to you as well, and hope you enjoy your spring!

      Liked by 1 person

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